I'm constantly trying new products that claim to be the best and the greatest, but I've found over the years there are somethings I just continue to go back too. Here are a few of my "cannot live without" beauty items.
These are a lifesaver! One wipe will remove every stitch of make up including mascara no matter how much make up I'm wearing. It's EXTREMELY important you remove your make up before you wash your face. Your face wash was never meant to do double duty by washing your face and trying to remove make up. (A bonus with these wipes is if you're in a time crunch or just too exhausted they can be used as a one stop shop-removing make up and hydrating your skin. Great for those nights when you just want to get to sleep!)

La Roche-Posay Toleraine Purifying Foaming Cream
I have been obsessed with this face wash for years! As someone who has sensitive, dry skin I have to be cautious about what products I use and this one has never let me down. This cleanser is so concentrated, just a small pea size amount is plenty to wash your face so the bottle seems to last forever, plus it has a nice rich lather and does not strip my skin of moisture. (La Roche-Posay in general has amazing products. Check out one of my favorite sunscreens in this post)

Trader Joe's Honey Mango Moisturizing Shave Cream
You know those shaving commercials...the ones where the girl's leg is completely covered in a foam shaving cream minus the one strip she's already shaved off? For years that was me, shaving my legs like the girl in the commercial. A non-foaming shaving cream just seemed so bizarre to me that I resisted trying anything else until one of my guy friends (yes, even guys get beauty too :) ) mentioned how the Trader Joe's Shaving Cream kept his face from breaking out after shaving. From my first bottle I knew I was never going back. As one who shaves my legs every day (I really hate prickly legs) this product is perfect for continual use on your legs...and all other delicate areas that need shaving. A little goes along way with this product, so you need just enough to create a barrier between your skin and the razor. Also, a bonus is that it's Paraben free and 100% Vegetarian. (For those who don't live near a Trader Joe's you can order it off of Amazon here.). Get ready for silky, smooth legs!!!

Oh, I cannot stress the importance of properly cleaning brushes! Next to my hands they are the most important tool in my make up kit and that is why I use this both personally and professionally. There are plenty of other brush cleansers on the market (and even some DIY Pinterest boards), but I DON'T suggest them. For me this brush cleaner packs a triple punch-it cleans/shampoos, disinfects with an anti-bacterial agent and most importantly it conditions the bristles. It's not as imperative with a synthetic brush that the bristles be conditioned, but it is with a natural bristled brush. Just imagine washing your hair and never putting a conditioning agent on it; it might be clean, but it's probably not going to be the softest and silkiest it could be. Trust me after you feel how soft the bristles are after you've washed your brushes, you won't go back to another brush cleaner.

These are just a few of the beauty items I can't live without. Let me know what are some of your "Can't Live Without" items!